Week 16 MLB Power Rankings

Week 16 Power Rankings

      Tier 1
1- Win’s Up Doc (12-3) [-]
2- Wait ‘ Til Next Year (10-5) [-]

       Tier 2
3- Sporty Strauss (9-6) [-]
4- Ornery Otters (8-7) [-]
5- $traight Cash Homie (8-7) [+2]
6- The Pullies (9-6) [-1]
7- Cooper Troopers (9-6) [-1]

        Tier 3
8- The BamO’s (6-9) [-]
9- Minnesota Moose Knuckles (6-9) [-]
10- Las Cabras (6-9) [-1]
11- DTC Porkchop Express (2-13) [+1]
12- Shepherd Goods Choppers (4-11) [-1]

(Tier 1) Win’s Up Doc (1) is in a Tier of his own after clinching the 1-seed last week. He now gets to sit tight for two weeks, hoping that his team doesn’t have any injuries. However, he does have something to play for… he (and the Ornery Otters) can knock Sporty Strauss out of the playoffs with the last two matchups! Right now, Oat is behind Strauss by 4 points. If Sporty Strauss misses the playoffs, he could only score a maximum of 6 points in MLB. Win’s Up Doc would just have to get 3rd to tie Sporty Strauss for the LoL title, and losing any Consolation games would change that equation. 2nd or 1st in MLB would clinch Doc a title.

He’s finally about to pass Wait ‘Til Next Year in points, and all signs point towards a tight finish in the League of Leagues with Win’s Up Doc being the team to beat.

Wait ‘Til Next Year (2) is not the same team he once was, but he’s still a threat. He just got unlucky by playing a divisional foe with a career performance this past week. Oddly enough, Kyle doesn’t even have his division locked up at this point. That could still get cultured by the Cooper Troopers, who are still hanging around. Luckily for Kyle, he’d have to drop a game against Las Cabras in the final week of the season to give up his division (and the BYE), but we’ve seen crazier things happen!

(Tier 2) Sporty Strauss (3) is back in the scary zone. That’s what happens when you drop games to the 12th-ranked team. His past week’s awful performance was likely an aberration, but now he has two straight weeks against top-4 teams (Oat and Korey) remaining and only a 1-game lead over the 7-seed. Strauss could find himself on the outside looking in in no time at all.

The Ornery Otters (4) are in one of the most interesting positions right now. They aren’t guaranteed the playoffs, but they are a serious threat in both MLB and the league as a whole. 3rd Place is very much in play, though he needs to make the playoffs. It doesn’t get any bigger than his matchup this week against Sporty Strauss, and it will be fascinating to see if either team makes a trade to bolster their position.

The Pullies (5) don’t have a hugely important matchup against The BamO’s this week, but the final week could be with the division on the line against $traight Cash Homie (6). Jack plays the Choppers this week. As long as he wins that game, he will be in play for a division title in Week 17, a $200 gift card and the honor of playing the 6-seed. This week, The Pullies will pray for a Choppers win and hope they can sneak out a victory to at least edge out the Cooper Troopers in a potential tie for the 6-seed... but the SG Division is all going to come down to the final week.

And then there’s the old Cooper Troopers (7). An enigmatic team that barely snuck by Las Cabras this past week. Coop is 9th in total points – a stat we seemingly bring up every week – yet he has 9 wins and is potentially one win away from making the playoffs. In the 2-week matchup, he plays Wait ‘Til Next Year with a division title potentially on the line. And in week 17, he plays the MN Moose Knuckles who just traded half their team away because the pitching was too good.

The last place battle between the Cooper Troopers and $traight Cash Homie is brewing into a storm.

(Tier 3) The BamO’s (8) could still win 4th place if the Ornery Otters missed the playoffs. There isn’t NOTHING to play for, but with how bad Sam’s draft pick situation next year is, it’s better for him to start shifting his focus to next year and not grasping at straws for $500. Sam is the latest entrant into extreme selling mode, but it has to be worth it for him to pull the trigger on a deal.

The MN Moose Knuckles (9) were a surprising entrant as the highest scoring team of the week – one of the highest of the year. Hall suddenly realized his team was too good for its own good. He’s completely stuck in no-man’s land points-wise, so he sold off and got a keeper.

Las Cabras (10) finally got penalized for their awful lineup-setting all MLB season. It shouldn’t have been this way either. Las Cabras are more than alive in the 4th place race right now. They shouldn’t have started selling. They should have fought in the Consolation for 4th place, because they are still tied for second in the current league standings.

The SG Choppers (11) are giving DTC Porkchop Express (12) a run for their last-place money right now. Watching these completely gutted teams trying their best to lose in the playoffs is going to be fascinating, but VERY ugly. Tanking shouldn’t be this easy in the League of Leagues, and there is no real penalty for what these squads are doing right now.

Current Playoff Seeding

  1. Win’s Up Doc (12-3) *BYE

  2. Wait ‘Til Next Year (10-5) *BYE

  3. The Pullies (9-6)

  4. Sporty Strauss (9-6)

  5. Cooper Troopers (9-6)

  6. Ornery Otters (8-7)

Consolation Bracket

  1. $traight Cash Homie (8-7) *BYE

  2. The BamO’s (6-9) *BYE

  3. MN Moose Knuckles (6-9)

  4. Las Cabras (6-9)

  5. SG Choppers (4-11)

  6. DTC Porkchop Express (3-12)

PROJECTED Playoff Seeding

  1. Win’s Up Doc (14-3) *BYE

  2. Wait ‘Til Next Year (12-5) *BYE

  3. $traight Cash Homie (10-7)

  4. Ornery Otters (10-7)

  5. Cooper Troopers (10-7)

  6. The Pullies (10-7)

PROJECTED Consolation Bracket

  1. Sporty Strauss (9-8) *BYE

  2. The BamO’s (7-10) *BYE

  3. MN Moose Knuckles (7-10)

  4. Las Cabras (6-11)

  5. SG Choppers (4-13)

  6. DTC Porkchop Express (3-14)

Week 14 High Score

  • MN Moose Knuckles (Hall)

  • 560 points points

Notes: The Moose Knuckles clobbered the Choppers by over 200 points and, more surprisingly, they edged out the #Fhima’s division leader by over $100. It was a bad week for Hall who would have preferred his team to suck. Even after some trades, we’ll see if it’s still too good to truly vie for last place.

Week 14 Low Score

  • SG Choppers (Dye)

  • 338 points

Notes: After trying hard early in the season, that effort has gone by the wayside as the Choppers are disastrous every single week at this point. Now, he’s trying hard to lose and land a top pick. With Jack and/or Coop potentially on the verge of making the playoffs, these bad weeks could easily end up with him as the one who has to do the last-place penalty now.

Week 14 MVP

  • Aaron Judge ($traight Cash Homies)

  • 30 points

Notes: Some of these teams really overthought the snake draft, didn’t they? Despite being one of the top-2 ranked players left in the draft when the snake began, he went 5th and Jack was ecstatic to have him. Jonathan India, Jack Flaherty and Lucas Giolito were all selected ahead of Judge, who has been one of the best players in all of MLB. This week, $traight Cash Homie BARELY edged out two other playoff hopefuls (Cooper Troopers & BamO’s) and probably punched a ticket into the playoffs if all goes well down the stretch. Judge was one of the biggest reasons for his victory.

Week 14 LVP

  • Chris Sale (Sporty Strauss)

  • -6 points

Notes: As mentioned before, Chris Sale, a 3rd-round pick for presumptive LoL favorite, Sporty Strauss, ended up pitching only .2 innings for his team all season while scoring -6 points and breaking his finger. It’s one of the worst-luck picks in the league, and it just cost Strauss a win. He somehow lost to DTC Porkchop Express by 5 points. If Strauss had simply sat Sale (or hit his relief or hitting plays), he would have beaten him. Instead, that could cost Strauss an LoL title.

Week 16 Matchups

Nolo’s Division

  • Win’s Up Doc (1) vs DTC Porkchop Express (11)

  • Sporty Strauss (3) vs Ornery Otters (4)

Fhima’s Division

  • Wait ’Til Next Year (2) vs Cooper Troopers (7)

  • MN Moose Knuckles (9) vs Las Cabras (10)

Shepherd Goods Division

  • The Pullies (5) vs The BamO’s (8)

  • $traight Cash Homie (6) vs Shepherd Goods Choppers (12)

Week 14 MATCHUP of the WEEK

  • Sporty Strauss (3) vs Ornery Otters (4)

Notes: It doesn’t get any bigger than this. The Otters (4) and the Strausses (3) square off in an absolutely massive contest, potentially with a playoff spot on the line. If Sporty Strauss loses this game, he has to play top-ranked Win’s Up Doc in the final week of the season in a win-or-go-home situation.

If the Ornery Otters lose this matchup, they’ll be .500 and will need lots of help to make the playoffs even with a matchup against DTC Porkchop Express in Week 17. The Otters would have tiebreakers over The Pullies and $traight Cash Homie, but NOT over the Cooper Troopers. Korey would need lots of help to make the playoffs with a win.

This is the biggest game of the year for each of these teams by a mile.


Week 17 MLB Power Rankings


Week 14 MLB Power Rankings